

Alphacrucis College (AC) Graduation Materials
A big event was looming for Alphacrucis College– the annual student graduation. To ensure a successful day, the college needed multiple print runs of assorted promotional materials to meet the needs of hundreds of college graduates.
We designed and collated a wide variety of promotional items including pin badges, large signage, pull up banners, event books, table signage, lanyards and more. These reflected the diverse culture and languages of the students.
Managing more than eight suppliers, we collaborated with college staff to ensure we struck the right tone.
A smooth, seamless and hugely enjoyable graduation day was had by all! We were so pleased to see how happy staff and students were with the promotional items we provided.
Sharing the appreciation of students and their loved ones, we celebrated this important social event along with them. It’s always an honour to be part of grand occasions like balls, formals and graduations.

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